There has been a lot of disgruntling about Kenya’s performance in the concluded 2012 Olympics. Undoubtedly Kenya’s performance at the Olympics was below par and much of this was attributed to mismanagement. Ironically this mismanagement comes at a time when the Sports Bill 2012 has been drawn up to manage and streamline sports in the country. The Bill was also created ensure that sports is harnessed for development. The Bill seeks for the creation of new institutions to manage sports in the country. One is the Kenya Sports Development Authority. The second is the National Sports Fund which is a trust body created to manage the funds pertaining to sporting activity in the country. It is proposed that the Kenya Sports Institute be created to provide for training for sports people. The Bill is very ambitious and the way it is structured may streamline sports management in the country. The Bill provides for arbitration of sports disputes and also charges the Minister in charge of sports to come up with a sports investment plan each year.
One of its salient provisions is that all associations must be registered under this Act. This means bodies like Kenya Athletes Association must be registered and they remain answerable to the authority.
If this bill is passed then the performance we witnessed in the concluded Olympics shall be a thing of the past.